served from

Guatemala ENACTS daily rainfall

Guatemala ENACTS daily rainfall: Merged data (Stations from INSIVUMEH + CHIRPS) 1981-2024.


outlinean outline showing all sub-datasets and variables contained in this dataset

Datasets and variables

Guatemala ENACTS daily rainfall rfe[ X Y | T]

Independent Variables (Grids)

Time (time) grid: /T (julian_day) ordered (1 Jan 1981) to (31 Jan 2024) by 1.0 N= 15736 pts :grid
Longitude (longitude) grid: /X (degree_east) ordered (92.475W) to (88.025W) by 0.04999997 N= 90 pts :grid
Latitude (latitude) grid: /Y (degree_north) ordered (13.525N) to (18.475N) by 0.05000001 N= 100 pts :grid

Last updated: Thu, 04 Apr 2024 15:36:13 GMT\begin{ingrid} continuedataset: /description (Merged data (Stations from INSIVUMEH + CHIRPS) 1981-2024) def grid: /name (Y)def /units (degree_north)def 13.52499946 0.05 18.47499953 /long_name (Latitude) def :grid grid: /name (X)def /units (degree_east)def -92.4749987 0.05 -88.02499863 /long_name (Longitude) def :grid grid: /name /T def /standard_name (time) def /units (julian_day) def /defaultvalue {last} def 1 Jan 1981 julian_day 1.0 31 Jan 2024 julian_day :grid /rfe{ [ X Y | T ] (/local/datalib/data/Guatemala/ENACTS/precip/daily/MERGED_RAIN_Data_1ene1981_31ene2024/rr_mrg_%Y%m%d[T].nc) [T] readdatafile: /name (precip) def /units /mm def /long_name (Merged Station-Satelite Rainfall 1981-2024) def /missing_value -99.0 def /realarraytype netcdfrecords :readdatafile daily_precip_colors DATA 0 130 RANGE }defasvarsilent :dataset \end{ingrid} \begin{ingrid} continuedataset: /description (Merged data (Stations from INSIVUMEH + CHIRPS) 1981-2024) def grid: /name (Y)def /units (degree_north)def 13.52499946 0.05 18.47499953 /long_name (Latitude) def :grid grid: /name (X)def /units (degree_east)def -92.4749987 0.05 -88.02499863 /long_name (Longitude) def :grid grid: /name /T def /standard_name (time) def /units (julian_day) def /defaultvalue {last} def 1 Jan 1981 julian_day 1.0 31 Jan 2024 julian_day :grid /rfe{ [ X Y | T ] (/local/datalib/data/Guatemala/ENACTS/precip/daily/MERGED_RAIN_Data_1ene1981_31ene2024/rr_mrg_%Y%m%d[T].nc) [T] readdatafile: /name (precip) def /units /mm def /long_name (Merged Station-Satelite Rainfall 1981-2024) def /missing_value -99.0 def /realarraytype netcdfrecords :readdatafile daily_precip_colors DATA 0 130 RANGE }defasvarsilent :dataset \end{ingrid}

Data Views

  • display data as colors data as colors
  • display data as contours data as contours
  • display data as line data as line
  • \begin{ingrid} continuedataset: /description (Merged data (Stations from INSIVUMEH + CHIRPS) 1981-2024) def grid: /name (Y)def /units (degree_north)def 13.52499946 0.05 18.47499953 /long_name (Latitude) def :grid grid: /name (X)def /units (degree_east)def -92.4749987 0.05 -88.02499863 /long_name (Longitude) def :grid grid: /name /T def /standard_name (time) def /units (julian_day) def /defaultvalue {last} def 1 Jan 1981 julian_day 1.0 31 Jan 2024 julian_day :grid /rfe{ [ X Y | T ] (/local/datalib/data/Guatemala/ENACTS/precip/daily/MERGED_RAIN_Data_1ene1981_31ene2024/rr_mrg_%Y%m%d[T].nc) [T] readdatafile: /name (precip) def /units /mm def /long_name (Merged Station-Satelite Rainfall 1981-2024) def /missing_value -99.0 def /realarraytype netcdfrecords :readdatafile daily_precip_colors DATA 0 130 RANGE }defasvarsilent :dataset \end{ingrid}
Guatemala ENACTS daily rainfall[ ]