Table of
  1. S
  2. NextGen CPT Estacional CHIRPS Guatemala REALTIMEL2 Models CanSIPS-IC3 Forecast Length of forecast time 2.5 months
Additional Information

Hecho enLength of forecast time
months since 1960-01-01days
0000 1 Mar 202391.0
0000 1 Apr 202391.99999
0000 1 May 202391.99999
0000 1 Jun 202391.99999
0000 1 Jul 202391.99999
0000 1 Aug 202391.0
0000 1 Sep 202391.99999
0000 1 Oct 202391.99999
0000 1 Nov 202391.0
0000 1 Dec 202391.0
0000 1 Jan 202489.99999
0000 1 Feb 202491.99999
0000 1 Mar 202491.0
0000 1 Apr 202492.0
0000 1 May 202492.0
0000 1 Jun 202492.0
0000 1 Jul 202492.0