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NextGen CPT Mensual ENACTS Guatemala REALTIME_TMAX Forecast

NextGen CPT Mensual ENACTS Guatemala REALTIME_TMAX Forecast: Forecast and Error.


outlinean outline showing all sub-datasets and variables contained in this dataset

Datasets and variables

NextGen CPT Mensual ENACTS Guatemala REALTIME_TMAX Forecast determinista 0[ X Y T | S L]
NextGen CPT Mensual ENACTS Guatemala REALTIME_TMAX Forecast probabilidades 0[ X Y T | S L]
NextGen CPT Mensual ENACTS Guatemala REALTIME_TMAX Forecast probabilista 0[ X Y T | C S L]
NextGen CPT Mensual ENACTS Guatemala REALTIME_TMAX Forecast target_date[ S L |]
NextGen CPT Mensual ENACTS Guatemala REALTIME_TMAX Forecast target_length[ S L |]

Independent Variables (Grids)

Categorías grid: /C (ids) unordered [ (Bajo) (Normal) (Sobre)] :grid
Tiempo de anticipación en meses grid: /L (months) ordered (1.5 months) to (6.5 months) by 1.0 N= 6 pts :grid
Hecho en (forecast_reference_time) grid: /S (months since 1960-01-01) ordered (0000 1 Dec 2023) to (0000 1 May 2024) by 1.0 N= 6 pts :grid
Time grid: /T (unitless) ordered [ (0)] :grid
Longitud (longitude) grid: /X (degree_east) ordered (92.525W) to (87.97501W) by 0.04999987 N= 92 pts :grid
Latitud (latitude) grid: /Y (degree_north) ordered (13.475N) to (18.525N) by 0.04999999 N= 102 pts :grid

Last updated: Mon, 05 Feb 2024 19:31:08 GMT
Expires: Sat, 09 Mar 2024 00:00:00 GMT

Data Views

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