Manipulación de Datos en la Biblioteca de Datos

Una selección de preguntas sobre la manipulación de datos en la Biblioteca de Datos.

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La mayoridad de estos ejemplos empieza su explicación después de encontrar los datos necesarios en la Biblioteca de Datos. Si tiene dificultad para encontrar datos, consulte la sección "Colocar Datos" del Tutorial de la Biblioteca de Datos y vuelva aquí para seguir con estos ejemplos.

Let's use the NOAA/NCDC/GHCN/v2 dataset as an example.
The ECO by only displaying indices representative of grassland vegetation.
This example begins with the dataset, station, and variable already selected.
Let's use the NOAA/NCDC/DAILY/FSOD precpitation data for July 4 in New York City as an example.
Let's start with the NOAA/NCDC/GHCN/v2beta dataset for New York City.
Let's overlay sea level pressure and wind vectors from CDAS-1
Using the FSOD dataset for New York, we can obtain both minimum and maximum temperature data.
Data from a specific time and location can be selected in a number of ways and a few of them are described below
Let's use the OBERHUBER dataset as an example and correlate latent heat flux and sea surface temperature.
A good place to start is the U.S. National Climatic Data Center Global Historical Climatology Network dataset
There are a few reasons why you were not able to find data for the stations in which you are interested.
It is a possible to replace NaN values with any constant value that you wish.
Given the region and time period you have selected, it calculates a monthly climatology over the years you have selected and then subtracts these climatological values from the original values.
This operation can be done with a few ingrid commands in expert mode and they can be seen at the following link
The axis labels used in the data viewer can be changed, though you must use expert mode to make the changes. For example, let's change one of the axis labels used in the Sandwell Seafloor dataset.
Let's use zonal and meridional wind data from the NCEP-NCAR Reanalysis.
It is extremely easy to make animations in the data viewer. Let's make an animated image of the 1982-1983 El Niño.
Yes, there is an Ingrid command that will retrieve data from the most recent time increment included in a dataset.
Accessing data from another DODS/OPeNDAP Server is fairly simple.